With a Bolex H16 camera and black-and-white film material, we learn together how to load the analogue camera, take a negative picture and develop it. What we film, we decide together and spontaneously.

Matti Sutcliff lives in Marseille. He organises workshops with young people with a focus on analogue film practices and the use of sound. He has been involved with the cinema Le Polygone Étoilé in the Joliette district for five years. Together with a collective of filmmakers, he has been involved in several film projects since 2015, working closely with Claudia Mollese. He makes short documentaries and is interested in horizontal, collective forms of cinema. He also works as a sound engineer for film productions.

As the number of participants is limited, please register at: contact@filz.works

Organized by FILZ - Filmic Initiative Leipzig.
Hands On takes place in the framework of Dreaming Film and is part of the programme series No to the Habit - The Habit Not To of KV Leipzig.

November 5, 11 am – 7 pm
KV Leipzig

Still, Matti Sutcliff