Documentary and fiction films both draw on reality - even if their realities may differ and are approached from different angles. The former aims to carefully avoid or disguise any traces of intentional staging. In fiction films, it is precisely this mise-en-scène and the creation of an artificial space which forms a prerequisite for creating an authentic cinematic experience for the audience.
But what happens if the instruments and conditions of documentary filmmaking are transposed onto a fiction film?
What happens if a fiction film not only shares but hands over control over its staging processes? And what happens if it incorporates documentary images to create a fictional narrative?

curated by Sven Wörner and Sarina Lacaf

Cinémathèque Leipzig in der naTo
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 46

6,50 € / reduced 5 €
with Leipzig-Pass or Schwerbehinderten-Ausweis 3 €
+1 € over 130 min film length

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